A NEW Mayor of Chepstow has been elected. Councillor Ned Heywood MBE stood unopposed at the Chepstow Town Council meeting last Wednesday (28th May). Councillor Heywood is actively involved in the community of Chepstow and was awarded an MBE earlier this year for his services to the community of Chepstow and Wye Valley. The MBE award winner is chairman of the Chepstow Arts and Community Festival, and is also instrumental in the running of the Drill Hall, which has flourished recently. Mayor Heywood said: "This experience provides an opportunity to represent the town and encourage the council to move in a positive direction." The position of deputy mayor went to Councillor Dale Rooke of the Thornwell ward. The election of Mayor Heywood saw Stephanie Dovey end a very busy year. She not only served as Mayor of Chepstow but was also her husband David Dovey's consort while he was chairman of Monmouthshire County Council (MCC).