An insurance expert is calling on residents across Wales to protect their homes against damage caused by nesting squirrels - a risk not typically covered by standard home insurance policies.

Freddie Hamilton-Russell of insurance broker Lycetts has issued his warning during the summer nesting season.

With animal infestation claims at an all-time high, Hamilton-Russell emphasised the importance of preventative measures, explaining that most home insurance policies do not cover damage caused by small pests and rodents, as these are issues that are deemed preventable.

“Squirrels are notorious for causing costly damage to electrical wiring, pipes, cables and insulation in attics and converted roof spaces where they make a home for their young,” said Hamilton-Russell.

“They are even capable of moving roof tiles, coming down chimneys or causing damage to guttering and fascia boards.

“Preventative measures are the best course of action. Homeowners should repair any roof damage immediately and trim branches that could provide easy access to their roofs.”

He also recommended using strong wire mesh to block obvious access points once it is established that there are no squirrels inside.

“The best times to do this are mid-morning and mid-afternoon when grey squirrels are typically out foraging,” Hamilton-Russell advised.

Furthermore, Hamilton-Russell pointed out that gardens with decking are particularly vulnerable to squirrel damage.

“It’s crucial to make your garden less attractive to squirrels by removing trees or branches with uninhabited nests, covering bulbs with wire mesh, and using squirrel-resistant bird feeders instead of loose food,” he said.

“I also urge homeowners to purchase approved squirrel repellents to prevent costly damage to their homes and gardens.”