The banks of the River Usk in Usk town were bustling with activity on June, 1 as hundreds of people gathered for the inaugural Usk River Festival.

The event, organised by Angela Jones, chair and founder of Save the River Usk, and her dedicated team, was a resounding success that celebrated both the community's efforts and raising awareness about the importance of protecting the river and its environment.

Save the River Usk, established over three years ago by Angela Jones, has grown into a formidable force with over 82 volunteers testing the river at 55 different locations, amassing more than 3,000 samples.

The festival marked a significant milestone in the campaign's journey, bringing together communities united in their commitment to preserving local rivers, wildlife, and the broader environment.

The festival kicked off with a touching poem about the river, recited by local Usk schoolgirl Emily, setting a reflective and hopeful tone for the day.

Attendees enjoyed a vibrant array of activities and attractions, including over 20 stalls dedicated to wildlife, the environment, and water conservation, as well as booths from local charities.

The entertainment lineup was equally impressive, featuring performances from over 100 singers, ranging from community choirs and opera singers to youth musicians and samba bands.

A highlight of the festival was the lively parade through Usk town, which encapsulated the strong community spirit and unity that the event aimed to foster.

This free event, organised and funded by Save the River Usk, demonstrated the power of community action and the importance of collective efforts in driving environmental change.

Angela Jones and her team's dedication and hard work paid off, creating a memorable day that highlighted the vital need to protect the River Usk for future generations.