PERMISSION has been given for land next to a former doctor’s surgery to be cleared and used for car parking. 

Monmouthshire County Council approved an application to remove all the vegetation from the area next to Monmouth House in Maryport Street, Usk to be cleared to provide two parking spaces. 

The area is described as covered with poorly maintained and overgrown shrubs, weeds and small trees, and replacements would be planted around the site. 

The council’s highways department questioned the need for additional parking spaces at the building, close to the Maryport Street car park, but planners said “the rationale for the proposed new parking area” wasn’t an issue for them and the change of use is acceptable and it will not have a significant adverse impact on local visual amenity. 

A sample of the proposed material for the hardstanding to ensure they are of good quality and respect the setting of the wider protected area will have to be provided to meet a planning condition following concerns from the heritage officer as the site is within the Usk Conservation area.