By the time you read this, there will be a few days left for you to enjoy Wales’ premier national cultural event, the annual Eisteddfod being held this year at Parc Ynys Angharad in Pontypridd. A roaming event that travels the length and breadth of Wales on an annual basis every first week in August, the Eisteddfod is an opportunity for Welsh speakers, learners and Welsh language supporters to gather and enjoy a uniquely Welsh festival. If you’ve not been, jump on a bike, bus or train and visit. This year’s event is a greener event than usual, with people encouraged to use public transport to travel into the maes due to the logistics of being situated in the centre of a densely populated town. 

It is the second time in recent years that the Eisteddfod has been situated in a town or city centre. The first being Cardiff Bay a few years ago, where people meandered in and out of the event and enjoyed a different atmosphere to the traditional green field based Eisteddfod. 

Visitors and eisteddfod goers have been warmly welcomed to a jam packed week at the FUW stand on the maes which includes cookery demonstrations and tasting sessions, an agricultural quiz, a discussion about the wool industry and musical entertainment around farm safety with the much loved country singer, Welsh Whisperer.

FUW Deputy County Executive Officer for Gwent and Glamorgan, Gemma Haines, said: “As a native of this area who has rekindled my Welsh language skills, being part of the FUW’s arrangements for this national Eisteddfod event has been very exciting.

"We were keen to bring a piece of rural life to Pontypridd this week to remind local residents, families and visitors where their food comes from. Key messages during the week have been about the importance of food quality and security plus we’ve reminded visitors how to care and behave wisely in the countryside.

“We must thank our sponsors, partners and supporters for working with us throughout the week. It has been a great event so far, with people enjoying home cooked food, singing, craft activities, panel sessions and just coming together to a sense of rural community. Diolch bawb!” said Gemma Haines.

The rest of the week's programme of activities at the FUW stand include:

Wednesday 7.8.24

10.00 Gareth Jones, Producer Marketing Manager at the Wool Board gives an overview about Welsh wool

13:00 The future of the wool industry in Wales, with Gareth Jones and farmer, Anwen Hughes

14:00 Art and craft for children using sheep's wool

Thursday 8.8.24

10.00 Rhian Pierce from the RSPB discussing birds on our farms and sharing nature crafts and activities for children and youngsters

11:30 Cooking demonstration with Welsh chef and food expert, Nerys Howell

13:30 Presentation by Lee Oliver from Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust Cymru

14:30 Cooking demonstration with Welsh chef and food expert, Nerys Howell

15:30 Rhian Pierce from the RSPB discusses birds on our farms and sharing nature crafts and activities

Friday 9.8.24

11.00 Family agricultural quiz and The DPJ Foundation charity visit the stand

13:00 An afternoon of crafts and pom pom with Mari Anne

Saturday 10.8.24 

11:00 Cooking demonstration with Welsh chef and food expert, Nerys Howell

13:00 An afternoon of craft activities for children and youngsters