Following the result early on Friday morning we caught up with Monmouthshire’s newly elected MP, Catherine Fookes and managed to grab two quick questions, with the newly elected MP saying her first job would be to restore residents’ faith in politics

Q. Monmouthshire has been a Conservative stronghold for twenty odd years, why now, do you think voters have put their faith in you?

“I believe it is because we have a strong agenda, with plans concerning British energy and growth of the economy.

“I also believe it is because of the failures of the Conservative government, such examples being mortgages and rent going up.

“People struggled and voters lost faith in the Conservatives as a result of the multiple scandals that have occurred - betting-gate, Rishi Sunak leaving D-Day commemorations.”

Q. What is going to be the first job on your agenda for Monmouthshire?

“The most important thing on the agenda is the cost of living crisis, which was the number one issue people brought up on the doorstep.

“Secondly is restoring Monmouthshire’s faith in politics, and becoming a country that is people before party.”