The councillor for Llandogo, Tintern and St Arvans Ann Webb, has been actively campaigning for a reduction in the speed limit on the A466 from St Arvans to Tintern for a number of years.

Now that a scheme has been given grant funding, she told the Beacon: “This was identified, I am pleased to say, as part of a specific casualty review.

“It was identified that a number of casualties had been recorded along this section of road ( between St. Arvans and Tintern) including two fatalities and a number of serious collisions,” she added.

With this information, the county council applied for, and were subsequently successful, for a Welsh Government Road Safety Grant to develop and implement a casualty reduction scheme which consisted of reducing the speed limit to 40mph, together with localised signing/white lining improvements and some areas of resurfacing. It is anticipated the whole scheme will be completed by the end of March 2025.

The 30mph signs are a temporary measure whilst the contractor is carrying out the works.