IN a break with tradition the Monmouth Music Festival will start and finish in the month of July 2016.
To ensure that all Monmothians and visitors to the region can optimise their summer experience, the decision has been taken to run next year’s festival from 22nd July to 30th July 2016. The National Eisteddfod is coming to Monmouthshire for the first time in over a century, running from 29th July to 6th of August in Abergavenny. This move will minimise the overlap whilst still retaining part of our traditional timing.
Building on from the inclusions of the busking festival, the commemorative walk and the development of the fringe, next year’s festival is looking to expand it’s horizons. Talks are underway to develop a range of daytime activities, possibly featuring literature, art and performing art. The festival committee are looking at a range of options and would be receptive to input from potential venues around the town interested in taking part.
The important diary date for artists, potential volunteers, committee members and interested members of the public is Thursday October 1st. That’s the date that applications open on the website for next year and it’s also the date of the AGM, to be held in The Gatehouse at 8.00pm. All are welcome to attend to find out more about the festival, to volunteer or to join as an associate member to sit on one of the festival’s committees.
“We are looking at ways of making the festival even more inclusive” said Mel Ralph, festival co-chair.
“We’ve had strong feedback from festival goers that they would like to see more going on in and around the town on days other than Carnival Sunday. The National Eisteddfod coming to the county could be the impetus for growing our festival from a broader base and to a wider audience. These are exciting times”
Keep an eye on the website for regular updates and to apply to be part of the line-up for 2016.