MONMOUTHSHIRE is the number one hotspot for marriages in Wales according to a recent study. 

QR Code Generator analysed data from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) on marriages in 191 registration districts across England and Wales between 2021 and 2022. 

The districts, made up of local authorities, boroughs and metro districts, were then ranked based on the number of marriages per 100,000 residents to reveal the top marriage hotspots.

Monmouthshire came out on top in Wales 1,507 marriages taking place for every 100,000 people, which also placed the county fifth on the overall table. 

Westminster topped the study. Approximately 6,630 marriages were registered in the London borough between 2021 and 2022, at 3,137 per 100,000 people. Closely in second place was Kensington and Chelsea.

Marc Porcar, CEO of QR Code Generator PRO S.L. said: “With the rising cost of living, weddings are becoming increasingly expensive for happy couples across England and Wales. It is interesting that the top marriage hotspots like Westminster and Kensington and Chelsea are also some of the wealthiest areas nationwide.” 

Powys also made the top ten. In 2021, 740 marriages were registered in the Welsh area, while 986 marriages took place in 2022. The rate of marriages per 100,000 people in Powys was 1,289.

The London boroughs of Newham and Lewisham have the lowest rate of marriages in England and Wales, with 274 and 287 per 100,000 residents, respectively. 

The full data can be found via the ONS website.