THE NSPCC is appealing for new volunteers to support its vital work in Wales.

While often New Year’s resolutions focus on healthy living, learning a new skill, supporting a cause, or giving up a bad habit, this year NSPCC Cymru/Wales is appealing for people to resolve to donate some of their time to one of the charity’s many services for children and young people.

Louise Israel, Childline Team Manager in Wales, said: “At NSPCC, we are lucky to have a dedicated group of volunteers who give their time week-in, week-out to help children and families when they need us the most.

“However, to help ensure that we are here for children, all day, every day, all year round, we need more people of all ages, and from all walks of life, to become volunteers and help us be there for young people.

“Our two Childline bases in Cardiff and Prestatyn have a team of amazing volunteers who talk to children about a range of issues including mental health, abuse and neglect, family relationships, loneliness grief, and sexuality.

“Childline bases across the UK held over 200,000 Childline counselling sessions with children and young people last year and need more volunteers to enable them to continue being there for children.”

She added: “Our Schools Service volunteers also play a vital role, protecting a generation of children by helping them understand abuse and giving them the confidence to speak out if they need help. 

“Could you help children feel empowered to speak out if they are worried?”

Other options include joining as a fundraising and events volunteer, or supporting NSPCC Wales with your own fundraising event throughout the year.

“No matter how much time you have to give, NSPCC has a volunteering role for you. It can be a great way to give back to the community and also learn new skills,” says Louise.

“At the NSPCC, we give you all the training needed to get you ready for your role, as well as a hugely supportive team of volunteers and supervisors to guide and help you on your volunteering journey.”

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