Firstly let me applaud the team collecting the purple and orange bags; they are excellent!

However, I wonder how many people are sharing my experience of an extremely poor service of black bag and bottle collection.

On at least five occasions this year no collection has occurred in spite of my constant calls to the long suffering ladies in the MCC Office.

It seems to me that either the lorry driver or the administrators are at fault; in either case, should it be a private concern and not the council running the business, the inadequate performer would surely be replaced by someone more efficient.

Business historically, has survived because of trust, in this case we forward buy a service which is not being fulfilled, and I’m sure that many other people are sharing my experience too!

I am now in my eighties and have throughout my life provided a service and also purchased goods built on the essential ingredient of trust. Once that trust is broken, the good relationship is very hard to regain.

John Hanner (Kingcoed)