THE family of 20 year-old Luke ‘Wozer’ Wasley who was fatally stabbed in Coleford described him as “a special gem who never saw the bad in anybody” in an emotional tribute at his funeral.

Dozens gathered at the Forest of Dean Crematorium yesterday (Tuesday, July 25) to pay their respects to Luke, who died following the stabbing in Oakfields near Sunny Bank in the early hours of Wednesday, June 14.

His family asked those attending the funeral to wear black “with a touch of red for Luke”.

Donations were also collected in Luke’s memory for the Great Western Air Ambulance.

In his eulogy, he was described as a “much-loved” big brother, grandson, and son to Wendy and Darren, and it was said he was “adored” by his aunts and uncles.

His family remembered how from a young age he loved trains, especially Thomas the Tank Engine, and said he wanted to be a train driver when he grew up.

He attended Coalway Infants and Junior School and Five Acres High School, before going on to college in Cinderford to study construction.

After Covid, Luke got a job at Cinderhill Farm in St Briavels, where the team have “fond memories” of him working there as part of the kitchen and production team along with his love for the animals.

He also loved the dogs he shared with his dad, and would often tell stories of the times they spent together.

He was described as a “very kind” boy, and his family told of how when he was 16 he helped his nan Barbara care for his grandad, Roger, in his last few months of life.

The eulogy added that friends and family “meant everything” to him, and that he would be remembered for his sense of humour and “cheeky smile”, which was also commented on in a tribute by one of his former class teachers.

“To know we will never see his beautiful smile, hear his infectious laugh or have a hug from him absolutely devastates us”, his family said.

“Luke was full of life, full of fun, and nothing will ever take that away from us.”

Gloucestershire Police launched a murder investigation after emergency services were called to Oakfields at 12.30am on Wednesday, June 14 with a report of a stabbing.

Neil Anthony Woodley, 49 and of Blakes Way in Coleford, was charged with Luke’s murder and is due to face trial in December.