Children at Whitchurch CE Primary hosted renowned writing expert, Pie Corbett, for a day full of storytelling last week.

Over the last 18 months, children have been following Pie's approach to developing writing, and it has led to startling results.

The quality of writing, and the enthusiasm that children have for it, is exceptional. As one child said, "I just love learning stories".

Head teacher, Claire McKeown said: "At Whitchurch, children do have so many opportunties, from forest school to samba. But being confident in the basics matters and is important, and we make sure that our children are."

As Pie toured the school he had the chance to look at books, talk to children, join in with teaching and, to the delight of the children, lead a story telling session in assembly.

The children were spellbound as he wove a tale about the River Wye. Pie himself summed up the day by describing the real "buzz" in the school and the "outstanding learning behaviour" of the children. As for the children, well they just want to keep writing.