YOUNG carers, their families, and schools are invited to share their experiences regarding the support services for those who play a crucial role in caring for their family members. 

To enhance support for these young carers in the Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire County Council is seeking valuable input from the local community. 

These young carers, often under the age of 18, juggle their responsibilities at home with their education and social lives, looking after relatives with long-term health conditions, disabilities, mental health issues, or substance misuse problems. 

Their contributions are invaluable, yet often go unnoticed, and understanding their needs is crucial to ensuring they receive the support they deserve. 

To gather this essential feedback, a series of surveys have been launched, targeting various groups within the community. These include young carers aged 8 to 15, young carers aged 16 to 24, parents of young carers, and schools. 

Each survey is designed to capture the experiences and needs of these different groups, ensuring that all perspectives are considered in shaping future support services. 

In the Forest, Gloucestershire Young Carers is at the forefront of providing support. The organisation offers a range of services, including personalised support plans, county-wide respite groups, and activities that allow young carers to take a break and connect with peers facing similar challenges. 

Although over 1,100 young people in Gloucestershire are currently registered with the organisation, it’s estimated that around 7,000 young carers are in the county, many of whom may not realise they are considered as such. 

Cllr Stephen Davies, Cabinet Member for Children’s Safeguarding and Early Years, highlighted the importance of this initiative.  

“We want to make sure that Gloucestershire’s young carers know they are not alone and that there is support available for them,” he said: “Caring for a family member while also managing school or work is a huge responsibility. It’s often done out of sight, and we want to ensure these young carers receive the recognition and help they need.” 

The surveys are open until October 31. If you believe you or someone you know might be a young carer, support can be found at Gloucestershire Young Carers.