Forecast:  Dry with some pleasant spells of sunshine.  Feeling warm. Thursday  Dry, sunny spells.  Day 21C/70F Night 11C/52F in Foy. Mod SW Friday  Dry, sunny spells. Day 21C/70F Night 12C/54F in Staunton. Light SW Saturday  Dry, sunny spells. Day 24C/75F Night 12C/54F in Newent. Light/V Sunday  Dry, sunny spells. Day 24C/75F Night 13C/55F in Coleford. Light/V Monday  Dry, sunny spells. Day 23C/73F Night 13C/55F in Bulley. Light/V Tuesday  Dry, sunny spells. Day 23C/73F Night 12C/54F in Stroat. Light/V Wednesday  Dry, sunny spells. Day 22C/72F Night 11C/52F in Awre. Light/V Outlook:  Largely settled, warm. Pollen Count: Mod/High  UV:  Mod Sunrise:  6.20 a.m.  Sunset: 8.05 p.m. Moonrise:  12.25 a.m.  Moonset: 6.42 p.m.